Thursday, December 8, 2016

Alternate Ending of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo quickly go to the graveyard to see if Juliet is really dead. At the graveyard, Paris is there crying over the body of Juliet then kisses her. Suddenly, Juliet woke up. Paris is surprise on what he witness and Juliet is also surprise because the plan was not like this. Paris quickly called the guards and told them to tell Juliet’s parents that Juliet woke up. Romeo went to the apothecary to buy a poison. Romeo was too late to see Juliet, he couldn’t get near Juliet because she was surrounded by Capulets but he was happy to see her alive.

Juliet brought back her strength after a week. Lord Capulet still insists Juliet to marry Paris but Juliet fakes that she is still not well. Juliet and Romeo secretly meet in the church where they got married. Juliet told Romeo the plan that Friar Laurence suggested to her. Romeo ask her if she will still marry Paris, but Juliet didn’t answer him for she was not also sure on what she will do next. The next day Juliet along with Nurse go to Friar Laurence to ask for help. Friar Laurence doesn’t want to help them because he thinks it will fail again but the two insists. Friar Laurence suggests Juliet to marry Paris on a full moon then after the ceremony Juliet will secretly escape with Balthazar and meet up with Romeo at Vicenza.

On the day of the wedding, Paris was really happy. Nurse, who knows about the plan, is really conscientious on what they’ll do. Nurse wants to tell Paris about the plan but Paris was in a talk with a guard then the guard went near the Nurse. After the ceremony, Nurse told Juliet that she saw Paris happy and she thinks that Paris does not deserve this. Juliet pities Paris so she didn’t go with the plan and went home to their new house. Juliet and Paris lives in a mansion that Paris owns but Nurse couldn’t go live with Juliet because Paris insists on getting Juliet a new servant.

One day, Juliet went out to see the Festival in Mantua but didn’t come home in the night because the place had a severe disease outbreak. When Juliet came home, Paris was really mad and he slipped his words by saying that he thought Juliet escaped to see Romeo. Juliet was confused because she thought Paris didn’t know that Romeo and her didn’t have a thing for each other. The two fought and Paris hurt Juliet by slapping her on the face. In the very beginning, Paris knew about the plan because he heard about it by sending out a spy to follow Juliet. Paris also threatened to kill Romeo, so the Nurse went along with Paris’s plan to make Juliet conscientious on her decision to escape. Paris locks Juliet in their room by the fear of Juliet escaping. Paris became so insane about Juliet that he does not care about Juliet’s feelings.

The nurse heard about the fight of the two and quickly went to Paris’s mansion but Paris didn’t want Nurse to enter their home. The nurse finds it suspicious and decided to disguise and see Romeo secretly. The Nurse asks for Romeo to help Juliet escape and she also told Romeo what really happened on the day of the wedding. Romeo actually thought that Juliet chose to marry Paris because Paris was the one who saved her from death and Romeo thought that he was not worthy of Juliet’s love. Romeo quickly went to the mansion and looks for Paris without being notice by the servants. In the room, where Juliet was locked up, Paris was there to visit Juliet but suddenly Romeo barges in and fights with Paris. As the two fights, Romeo got the key and throw it to Juliet. In shock, Paris went out of focus and Romeo pinned him down in the ground and ask for Juliet to get poison in his pocket. Juliet forces Paris to drink the poison while Romeo was pinning him down. Paris died and the two made the scene look like Juliet was kidnapped by writing a letter that a “kidnapper” made and Paris was killed in the process of protecting Juliet to the “kidnapper”.

No one ever thought that Romeo was involved in the case because no one saw him in the scene. The two lived happily in Vicenza where no one can find them. They thought that blood will always will be the solution of to end their sadness to ease their sins, they pay the lives that suffered by sharing a story of a pair star-crossed lovers that made people believe that anything can be overcome by not giving up who you love and if you face your fears together, nothing can block your way anymore.

Live your life with no regrets….

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